Sunday, March 13, 2011

the co-op jobs

   co-op jobs can be an easy way to earn a ton of xp and coins without too much effort. they can also be a huge annoyance when your neighbors join in and forget to harvest their share of the crops!
   there are several ribbons that you can earn for  completing the co-op jobs. one of the ribbons (best of the rest) is for being mvp. it is usually much easier to earn the gold medal if you plan ahead a bit. message a neighbor or two and ask if they would like to do a co-op. when you ask ahead of time, it's so much easier to coordinate who will plant what, making the job easier for everyone. some people prefer to plant the longer-growing crops, while some prefer the super short-growing crops.
   if you are trying to earn your 'best of the rest' ribbon, let your neighbors know so you can ensure that you harvest the most crops. this usually (not always) works how you intended. many times, i have been on a job with the intention of getting mvp, only to have a neighbor join the job at the last minute and plant and harvest a ton of crops. this can be very annoying.
   to prevent this sort of unexpectedness, you can pre-seed your farm. pre-seed, what?!?! yes, pre-seed your farm! before you start any of the jobs, have a look and figure out which one you want to do. let's say you want to do the 'bakery delivery' job, so you need to harvest 1450 wheat in 1 day 7 hours to get the gold. awesome. plant your whole farm with wheat, but DO NOT start the job yet. when you come back to your farm in 12 hours, the wheat should be ready to harvest. start the job before you harvest or do anything.
   once the job is started, use the fully upgraded combine to harvest and seed the wheat. since the combine harvests, plows, and seeds all in one click, it tricks the game into counting the wheat that you're harvesting as the wheat that you just seeded.
   let's say that you have 350 plots on your farm. using the combine and it's tricky trickery, you will have seeded 350 plots of wheat and harvested 334 plots wheat (according to the co-op counter). you have to have planted some wheat before you can harvest any wheat, so the first 16 plots that you harvest don't count toward the co-op. cow ewe gnome.